June is Recreation Month
This year, more than ever, it is important to engage in recreational activities to keep our mind and body's active!
Recreation Month, celebrated every June, is dedicated to reinstating the important of actively participating in recreation throughout various communities in our province. It is a fun and exciting way to celebrate recreation and promoting its many benefits to individuals, families and communities.
Bay Bulls Bauline Athletic Association recognizes the many benefits that recreation has to offer. Throughout the month of June, we will be encouraging residents to keep their mind and bodies active. We have put together some resources to promote Recreation Month.
Recreation Month Resources:
Activity Passports - Get outside & have fun throughout the month of June by completing the activities on these passports. Challenge the entire family to complete all passport activities!​
Throughout the month of June we will also be celebrating ParticipACTION'S Community Challenge. Check out the events we have planned for the month of June and learn how you can track your steps